Wednesday 16 October 2013

Microsoft Uses Zombie Power in 'Walking Dead' Commercial

Fans of the hit AMC series The Walking Dead got an extra treat during the show’s season premiere on Sunday in the form of a technology tie-in from Microsoft.
During one commercial break, the company unveiled a follow-up to its zombie-centric commercial from earlier this year as a way to promote several Microsoft products in one shot.
The scene starts out with a fan of The Walking Dead unpacking boxes at a new house, while communicating with his girlfriend via a Windows 8 tablet.
We won’t spoil what happens next (see the video above), but the spot also manages to squeeze in product shots of both Skype and the Nokia Lumia 1020.
In the video description on YouTube, viewers are also encouraged to download the AMC Story Sync app for Windows 8, one last promotional touch to connect Microsoft to one of the most popular shows on television.
Marrying tech products and zombies might seem like an easy fit, but doing it without inadvertently alienating either fans or users with a clunky mashup can be difficult.
Thankfully, for fans of both, this latest Microsoft spot manages to tread the line just about perfectly.
BONUS: Top 10 Funny Videos on YouTube
Image: YouTube, Microsoft

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